
Sync Depot Connections with my phone

Updated 10 June 14: Connections

Depot supports 2–way syncing of people and companies with your mobile or computer’s address book through the Card DAV protocol.

This allows you to take your contacts with you on the go, or have them with you on your computer at all times.

For Apple OSX address book:

Preferences –> Accounts

  1. Click the plus to add a new account
  2. Choose account type CardDav
  3. Username: your depot login email
  4. Password: your depot login password
  5. Server address: [yoursubdomain]
  6. Click create
  7. Close preferences

Address book will now sync with your Depot account

For iOS

Settings –> Mail, Contacts and Calendars

  1. Add account
  2. Other
  3. Add CardDAV account
  4. Server address: [yoursubdomain]
  5. Username: your depot login email
  6. Password: your depot login password
  7. Description: Depot
  8. Tap next

iOS contacts will now sync with your Depot account


Install CardDAV–Sync (
Settings –> Accounts & sync

  1. Tap Add account
  2. Configure account details
  3. Server name: [yoursubdomain]
  4. Use SSL: leave checked
  5. Username: your depot login email
  6. Password: your depot login password
  7. Tap Next
  8. Tap the address book you want to sync
  9. Enter account name (i.e. the description)
  10. Un–check sync from server to phone only if you want two–way–sync
  11. Tap Finish and confirm warning about two–way–sync if necessary

CardDAV–Sync starts immediately to sync your contacts. To edit settings for this account tap your new account and select Edit account settings

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