
Adding time to jobs and projects

Updated 11 June 14: Execute

There are three place to add time to jobs and projects. Use them all or choose one that best fits your way of working.

1. Timesheets 

  1. Go to your Timesheets in the Execute area
  2. Click the Add New Entry button.
  3. Browse for the project you want to add time for
  4. Select the relevant Job or Action
  5. Choose an appropriate activity type and add an optional note.
  6. Enter your hours, and click Save


2. Tickr

  1. Click on the time icon in the top right of any page to open the tickr.
  2. Browse for the project you want to add time for
  3. Select the relevant Job or Action
  4. Choose an appropriate activity type and add an optional note.
  5. Enter your hours, and click Save.

Your timesheet entry will be added and you will receive a confirmation.


3. Task list

  1. Go to the Task List and browse for a project you are assigned to.
  2. Click on the arrow beside a job item or action, 
  3. Click the tick and your time will be added.
  4. Select the Add Time option. 
  5. Enter the number of hours
  6. Select an activity type.



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